Acute lower respiratory tract infections accounted for 56.2% of hospitalized COVID-19 cases in Germany during the first three waves

Als Co-Autor mit Prof. Gün­ter Kampf

The offi­ci­al num­ber of hos­pi­ta­li­zed COVID-19 cases based on the World Health Orga­niza­ti­on defi­ni­ti­on (a per­son with con­firm­ed detec­tion of SARS-CoV‑2) is used in public health report­ing and may have major impli­ca­ti­ons on public health mea­su­res. But the defi­ni­ti­on may not ade­qua­te­ly descri­be whe­ther pati­ents were admit­ted for COVID-19 or if the prin­ci­pal dia­gno­sis was ano­ther dise­a­se and the pati­ent acqui­red COVID-19 in the hos­pi­tal or was tes­ted posi­ti­ve for SARS-CoV‑2 during the hos­pi­tal stay wit­hout any respi­ra­to­ry tract sym­ptoms. That is why we ana­ly­sed the remu­ne­ra­ti­on data of the natio­nal health insu­ran­ces during the first three COVID-19 waves in Ger­ma­ny (Janu­ary 2020―May 2021) pro­vi­ded by the Insti­tu­te for the Hos­pi­tal Remu­ne­ra­ti­on System.

Wei­ter­le­sen im Inter­na­tio­nal Jour­nal of Epidemiology

Anmer­kung: Die Inhal­te die­ses Bei­trags wur­den zuvor in einem Bei­trag auf Mul­ti­po­lar veröffentlicht.

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