Hospitalised Myocarditis and Pericarditis Cases in Germany Indicate a Higher Post-Vaccination Risk for Young People Mainly after COVID-19 Vaccination

Als Co-Autor mit Prof. Gün­ter Kampf

It was recent­ly descri­bed that the over­all risk of myope­ri­car­di­tis after recei­ving a
COVID-19 vac­ci­ne is low, except for youn­ger males recei­ving mRNA vac­ci­nes [1]. The
meta-ana­ly­sis was based on obser­va­tio­nal stu­dies on peo­p­le in the gene­ral popu­la­ti­on
who had myope­ri­car­di­tis in tem­po­ral rela­ti­on to recei­ving vac­ci­nes [1]. In order to deter-
mine if the­se fin­dings were sup­port­ed by the case num­bers in Ger­ma­ny, we eva­lua­ted the
num­ber of hos­pi­ta­li­sed cases, inclu­ding tho­se recei­ving inten­si­ve-care tre­at­ment, with
myo­car­di­tis or peri­car­di­tis befo­re the pan­de­mic (2019), during the pan­de­mic but wit­hout
COVID-19 vac­ci­nes (2020), and during the pan­de­mic with COVID-19 vac­ci­nes (2021).

Wei­ter­le­sen im Jour­nal of Cli­ni­cal Medicine

Anmer­kung: Die Inhal­te die­ses Bei­trags wur­den zuvor in einem Bei­trag auf Mul­ti­po­lar veröffentlicht.

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